Monday, March 31, 2014

Welcome to the Grind

So, another week down. Yea. last p-day I was able to find an awesome flannel shirt for only 3 bucks. sweet. I will never wear it here. but, when I get home. I will be super fly. also, they got some way cool shoes here though too... might pick some of those up for when I get home too... not that that day will ever come. but, if it does, I will be prepared for the real world once again. where you can go one day without taking a constant shower in sweat!

Last p-day right after we emailed we were riding our bikes down the street and elder wheeler got hit by a car door. A lady fllung her door open and hit his handle bar and he went flying and skidded along the road for a couple feet. luckily all he did was scrape up his elbow. It was like in the cartoons.  Afterwards the lady, saying in thai, "I'm glad that you are white because if you were thai I'd be having to pay"... thinking that we didn't know thai... oops. that's awkward ain't it!
So yea, after that we went to this market where they had a bunch of trinkets that old people would like but are really of no interest to a teenage boy... except, they had some toy guns.. those are kinda cool. GUNS. 

This week we did alot more contacting, then also did a bunch of home teaching. There are hardly any priesthood holders here so they have us home teach alot of people. but that will make up for all the times I was supposed to home teach but never did before my mission!
also... hmmm. I found this old guy at the tesco(pretty much exactly like walmart) and he came and we taught him. then yesterday he went to church as well! He is way cool. when he came to our lesson he was wearing pink skinny jeans and a short sleeve almost flannel-like shirt. What a boss. He is such a chill dude. He also has a daughter he wants to bring to church because she is making bad choices in her life.. so, hopefully this can be the family we are looking for!

oh also, yesterday we were trying to find this lady to home teach. we went to this house someone, probably her son, was there and yelled to her.. she was in the bathroom. we waited on the front porch until an old fat lady came out just wearing a towel. we were like... are you sister.... luckily she wasn't... so we ran away really quickly to find the right person.
also. there was this guy that was a less active that we invited to come to a sports activity we were doing on friday. But when he came, he was high as a kite on mary jane. so the whole time he would be screaming and acting like a dofus. It was kind of funny. he actually played really well though. Maybe they do have a point with this medical marijuana stuff... ;)

ok. also, we went to get indian food from this one guy on wednesday. it was soo good! but... the next day. BOY DID I HAVE SOME DIARRHEA. That is the only time I have gotten diarrhea really bad, and it wasn't even from thai food! the heck!
speaking of fecal matter. our district leader told us about how one time he was on a squatting toilet and he had diarrhea so explosively that it got all over his shoes and his legs. he's is thai. lol! happens to the best of us.
the members are also very open about their diarrhea stories... this one member gave me an in depth description of an episode she had recently had... yea that was the last time I asked how someone was doing.
Its also hot as crap here! but what else is new :) 24 of april is transfers. so we only got 3.5 weeks left. that means only 3.5 weeks left of being a greenie!

Have a good week ya yo'z!

-Elder Mark Hamilton Smith

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